Call for investigation
Dr. Ford must not be bullied into a he-said, she-said inquiry with obviously misogynistic senators seeking to discredit her. There must be an investigation by the FBI to discover the facts concerning this allegation.
While the reported incident was long ago, it is currently vital to our national interest to discover whether or not a Supreme Court nominee is lying to advance his judicial career and protect an un-indicted co-conspirator.
If the Republican Party is the party of patriotism and the rule of law this fact-finding should be of vital interest, and pressuring Dr. Ford into a he-said, she-said hearing is the last thing they should be advocating for.
The president’s refusal to request that the FBI conduct an investigation on this matter shows his self-interest in protecting his judicial nominee which he expects will protect him from indictment. America citizens deserve better than this.
Leslie Iijima
A little irony here?
Tyron Sigrah, 17, sentenced to up to 20 years in prison for rape at Old Kona Airport Park.
Brett Kavanaugh, accused of attempted rape at age 17, on the brink of confirmation to a lifetime appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Makes my head spin.
David Polhemus
Community deserves so much more
I think that people in Kona should be offended by the WHT Sept. 20 front page bold headline, “The community deserves this,” a quote speaking about the $96 million Kona courthouse.
Who is going to enjoy the facility? Judges, prosecutors, victims of crimes, defense attorneys, employees, and the crooks. A parking lot big enough for all? The majority of the people will never darken its doors nor will they be seeking a parking stall.
Instead, they may be searching for a “hard to find” parking stall at some public beach at which they may become a victim and thereby eventually find themselves as a victim in this courthouse proving that “the community deserves this.”
Leningrad Elarionoff